Julia si-a facut aceste tatuaje din cauza unei boli de piele , care impiedica expunerea la soare. Pentru a acoperi cicatricile de pe piele , ea a inceput sa se tatueze. Corpul ei este acoperit in proportie de 95% din suprafata corpului.
Tatuajele de pe corpul ei sunt colorate, deseori inspirate din desene animate Disney , si din Cartea Junglei.

I recently decided to make a simple video about this, I would be pleased if you could possibly take a second to watch it and perhaps leave a message about what you think, I left the video link in the "website" field, hopefully you can access it, thank you greatly
RăspundețiȘtergereI recently decided to create a simple video about this, I would be honored if you could possibly take a moment to watch it and perhaps leave a message about what you think, I left the movie url in the "website" field, hopefully you can access it, thank you greatly